Global distributor of digital content for libraries & schools
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Global distributor of digital content for libraries & schools
OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. We are dedicated to creating "a world enlightened by reading" by delivering the industry's largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks and other digital media to a growing network of 92,000 libraries and schools in 115 countries.

The Libby app was built with 💕 for readers to enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines from their library. Inspired by user and library feedback, Libby was designed to get people reading as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
Just a few of our valued publisher partners

See how we’re spreading the written word
Our featured reading programs
Perspectives on Reading
Perspectives on Reading is a quarterly online magazine published by OverDrive that provides unique insight into the world of reading and its impact on our communities.
Digital book club
Big Library Read is the first-ever global ebook club, connecting readers around the world who read the same ebook at the same time from their library.
Check Out Your Library
Discover fun and community at your library, the ultimate entertainment hotspot! Join fellow library lovers who cherish the spaces our public and school libraries provide.