
The Carnegies

Get the Carnegies digital collection on Sora

Free access for schools to the Carnegie 2025 Awards digital titles

The Sora team is thrilled to be one of the sponsors and the official digital partner for the Carnegie Awards 2025.

We are working with publishers to provide the best possible access to the digital versions of the books shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal for Writing at no cost to you.

If you are not already using Sora in your school

Sora will be offering free access to a Carnegies Shadowing collection on Sora, the digital reading platform and app for students. This will include access to all the available shortlisted digital books for the Carnegie Medal for Writing. Following the completion of the Carnegie shadowing window, your access to Sora will remain indefinitely.

Simply complete the form below to get set up with free Sora access and visit the Carnegies site to sign up for Shadowing. If you have any questions, you can contact us via

Existing Sora customers can contact their Account Manager to make the shortlisted books available for free.

This offer is only available for schools in the United Kingdom


No. There is no set-up fee and no hosting fee for Sora in your school and no charge to access the shortlisted books. You will also have free access to an administration portal (Advantage Account) to access data about how your students use Sora. This account gives you the option of purchasing extra digital content for your school, which will be hosted on the Carnegies Shadowing collection platform. However, this is entirely optional.

We hope so! Due to the nature of digital publishing and rights, we cannot guarantee this, but we will be using our status as digital partner and our existing excellent relationships with publishers to aim for all the shortlisted books being available for all users to access at the same time. We will be focusing our efforts on the titles shortlisted for the writing award but may also be able to include some of the titles shortlisted for the illustration award too.

As many as you want (and staff too!) You will be set up with access to our User Login Manager portal to upload usernames. It is your choice as to whether you include a small shadowing group or the whole school.

Not at this point, as we want to get you up and running asap without any hold-ups, and the User Login Manager portal is the simplest and quickest way to do this. We are happy to work with you and your IT department to look at moving over to a SSO after the 2025 shadowing period has ended if you wish.

Yes – we will labelling the shortlisted books as either ‘Juvenile’ or ‘Young Adult’ according to the age guidance on the Carnegie shadowing site. (‘Juvenile’ to mean suitable for up to age 12, and ‘Young Adult’ for age 13+). You can then apply these labels to your users in the User Login Manager portal to control which books they can see. These can then be adjusted if you get parental permission for students to read the older books.

No – you will retain access to Sora and the Carnegies Shadowing digital collection for as long as you want at no charge (continued access to the shortlisted titles will depend on the agreements we reach with publishers). You can choose to just use it for shadowing the awards, but you also have the option of using it as a platform to introduce other digital content into your school and using your Advantage Account to purchase the titles you want. Please note that anything you purchase in this way will only be available to your school.

We will also set up the main contact in each school with demo access to one of our shared collections, Primary or Secondary Ebooks Now, for the duration of the shadowing period so that they can view options. If you decide that you would then like to subscribe to one of these collections, we will cancel your Carnegies Shadowing collection account, and transfer across any extra content you may have purchased.

If you subscribe to either Primary or Secondary Ebooks Now, the books will be added to these collections (age-appropriate books only for the Primary collection) and so you can access them through your normal Sora account. If you have your own Sora collection or are a member of any other shared collection, you can opt to ‘add a library’ and gain access to this free Carnegies collection. Your Account Manager will be in touch about this, or you can contact them to ask for more information.