Reach new users and boost circulation with the world’s leading digital library platform
An unrivaled catalog of ebooks & audiobooks is more affordable than you may think
Your library provides a critical service to the community, offering an invaluable reading and learning resource to users of all ages. An OverDrive-powered digital collection allows you to extend beyond your physical walls and offer anytime, anywhere access to ebooks and audiobooks.
And even with limited resources and budget, your library can offer users the most advanced digital library service in the world.

We make digital easy for everyone
OverDrive aims to provide a digital library service that's the most innovative and easy to use. To do this, we created Libby, our award-winning and free-to-download reading app designed especially for first-time library users.
In just a few taps, your users can start reading or listening to all their favourite books wherever they are. And with all our content on one platform and our extensive support service, your digital offering couldn’t be easier to manage.

Global resources, local team
Even with the best software, we know you need customized support to meet your digital collection goals. Our UK-based team combines a deep understanding of local libraries and content with years of experience helping drive performance to maximize return on investment.
Nick Forster
Regional Manager, EMEA
Nick joined OverDrive from audiobook publisher W. F. Howes and has more than 20 years’ experience working with public libraries, spending much of that time specializing in developing and refining digital lending services and content ownership models to help meet libraries’ needs.
Paul Davighi
UK Country Manager
With nearly 20 years’ experience in the UK publishing industry, including 10 years in senior sales and marketing positions, Paul joined OverDrive at the end of 2018 as the UK Country Manager. He is passionate about technology, libraries and the opportunities to encourage a culture of reading.
Contact our UK office
Scott Smith
UK Account Manager
Scott joined OverDrive in the summer of 2018 as a UK Account Manager. He previously worked for various public and educational libraries where he was involved in developing and promoting their digital collections. A keen library advocate, Scott is enthusiastic about making reading accessible to all.

Content transfer - Everything in one place
Did you know you can consolidate ebooks and audiobooks from other digital platforms on OverDrive? Everything in one place makes it much easier for your readers. With this ease of use and our track record as the market leader, you can look forward to best-in-class performance in terms of circulation and new users. It’s an easy way to get more from your digital collection and make readers happy.