Let OverDrive help you prep for the holiday rush with our free webinar
The holidays are, traditionally, the busiest time of the year in the digital library world. Over the next few months…
Introducing the midlist eHighlights catalog
By Todd Warhola, librarian and OverDrive Collection Development Analyst. I’m very excited to introduce our newest edition of eHighlights online catalogs,…
Read-Alongs perfect for National Family Literacy Day on November 1st
Rachel Kray is a Librarian and Collection Development Analyst with OverDrive Looking for a fun new way to integrate…
Teen Read Week: New Places at Home & Abroad (Realistic and Thriller)
By Emma Kanagaki, Collection Development Analyst with OverDrive. I consider myself lucky that I’ve been an avid reader all my…
7 easy ways to promote your digital collection on social media
By Adam Sockel, OverDrive’s Social Media Specialist In the library world we understand that budgets are often tight, with every…
Prepare for the Holiday rush at your library
By Rachel Kray, a Librarian and Collection Development Analyst with OverDrive Over the years, we here at OverDrive have noted…
Add a #BannedBooksWeek curated collection to your digital library today!
At OverDrive we know a few things for certain: 1) #BannedBooksWeek is awesome and 2) offering your users customized…
Emma’s 10 deserted island books
Ed. Note: This is the 2nd in our series of books we’d take on a deserted island if we could…
Get over 30,000 titles 25-50% off with the Back to School sale
In a world where schools are back in session, librarians and educators need a sale to properly prepare their digital…
W. W. Norton titles are now available in OverDrive Marketplace!
If you live anywhere near OverDrive’s Cleveland headquarters, it’s entirely possible you’ve heard some extra shouts of happiness coming from…
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