Multilingual resources for your digital library
Did you know that it is free and easy to offer a multilingual interface for your OverDrive collection? Connect with new users who prefer to browse and read in their native language or help those learning a foreign language get hands-on experience with site translations at no additional cost for your library. Languages currently available include Spanish, Canadian French, Russian, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Malay, Finish, Swedish, German, Danish and Hebrew. More languages are expected to be added in 2015.
In addition to offering a translated site interface, diversify your collection by adding multilingual eBooks, audiobooks, periodicals and streaming video titles from across the globe. Chicago Public Library provides digital content for their users in 24 languages and spotlights some of their foreign language titles with an “En Español” featured collection.
Another library benefiting from the multilingual interface is Edmonton Public Library. Since adding French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese site translations and additional foreign language content, their circulation dramatically increased and they reached new users. Read more about their success story here.
The newly expanded Foreign Language Getting Started Guides in the Learning Center and the Spanish, French and additional Non-English titles marketing resources in the Partner Portal can help raise awareness for your enhanced collection and educate a larger portion of your community about your digital library.
Contact your Account Specialist to add multilingual interfaces to your OverDrive-powered website and learn more about how this free enhancement can improve your digital collection.
Melissa Marin is a Marketing Specialist at OverDrive.
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