The countdown is on – Digipalooza is coming (infographic)
By: Melissa Marin, OverDrive Marketing Specialist.
We’re less than 6 months away from Digipalooza, OverDrive’s digital library conference you can’t miss! Digipalooza is a unique professional development opportunity, no matter what your role is at the library.
Our goal is to help you learn innovative ways to increase your digital circulation and engage with new users through sharing best practices, real-world solutions, success stories and a preview of OverDrive’s product updates. Hear from leading librarians, industry experts, and members of the OverDrive team about digital collection development, marketing, training, troubleshooting tips, and more. Connect with people who do what you do – A previous attendee told us, “I made more networking contacts at Digipalooza than I have at every other conference I have attended in the past 5 years combined!”
If we have you sold but you need help persuading a co-worker to attend with you or a manager to approve budget and time to participate, we’re here to help. Professional development not only benefits you personally but allows you to become a knowledge expert so you can share your new insights and experiences with everyone at your library when you return. The Wall Street Journal wrote last year, “The employees who make the strongest case, with data and specific projections, are most likely to get a green light.” Check out our infographic below with some facts and figures about Digipalooza to help make your case to attend. Utilize the Reports in OverDrive Marketplace to show your digital collection’s strengths and weaknesses. Think about how our sessions, networking with libraries from around the world and face to face time with Team OverDrive and leading publishers could help solve problems and support your digital growth. Finally, compare the low cost of registration ($199) to the increasing fees at other conferences and workshops that don’t even include all of the bonuses you get at Digipalooza. Don’t worry about budgeting in extra for meals everyday or having to pay out of pocket for social events in the evenings – food throughout the conference and admission to not one, but TWO special evening outings, are wrapped into the price of registration.
We hope to see you here in Cleveland this August. Register now!
Click here to download the full size infographic PDF.
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