Updates to OverDrive Marketplace purchasing tools
Time and resources are limited at public libraries. With so many options available and choices to make, making decisions about your collection development dollars can seem impossible, especially if purchasing for your library’s digital collection is just one of many roles you maintain.
With our latest Marketplace update, libraries are now empowered to use data to make more-informed purchasing decisions based on user demand, title expiration, lending model availability and other factors important to librarians like you. Today’s Marketplace release also includes updates that align features and design across the tools to provide a consistent shopping experience, helping you maximize your resources.
Updates include:
Holds Manager
Simplified landing page: An updated landing page that matches the look and feel of other purchasing tools to streamline your shopping experience. No matter your familiarity with one tool, you’ll find a similar process in another, taking the guesswork of how each one operates.

Updated plan criteria page: If you have ever felt overwhelmed when setting up a Holds Manager plan, we have now simplified the process to help you set up a plan that best meets your needs. Interested in better understanding demand for titles previously removed from your collection? There is now a new option to specify whether you would like to include weeded titles in your plan.
On-demand results: Save a ton of time with on-demand results of your holds manager plan and easily create carts or add titles to an existing cart. You can also choose to have any Holds Manager plan automatically generate and/or purchase carts based on your preferences. From data to selection to purchasing, it is all in once convenient place to simplify your experience to help you save time and make better decisions.
Holds Manager, Metered Access Manager, and Patron Interests Manager

Cost-per-circ availability: From plan results, you can easily see if a title is available in the cost-per-circ (CPC) lending model. With CPC you only pay when a user borrows the title, making it perfect for book clubs, filling holds, satisfying specific patron interests, meeting demand for popular titles, or gauging interest in a new area of the catalog. Learn more about the benefits of CPC here.
Improved cart options: When reviewing plan results, you can easily add all titles to a cart with one click. Or, if your results fit the criteria for a cart you already have started you can easily add titles to an existing cart. This saves staff time when selecting and purchasing.
Learn more about our latest Marketplace update
These tools are available under Shop > Purchasing tools in Marketplace and require the Purchasing tools permission. Learn more on Marketplace help. All existing plans remain intact, and no action is required by your library as part of these updates.
Please contact your Account Manager if you have any questions or want assistance setting up purchasing tools for your library.
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