There is a phrase in the publishing industry that says, “Romance keeps the lights on.” For decades, the romance genre and its Happily Ever Afters have been the profitable backbone of books. According to a 2018 study, romance generates $1.3 billion dollars (yes, billion with a B) in the United States and romance novels account for 25% of all books sold and 50% of mass-market books sold. It’s not just older readers clamoring for the genre, either. Previously, most readers of romance where women ages 35 to 54. But now, thanks in large part to TikTok, Gen Z is driving sales of romance and the age of readers has widened to include those 18 to 34 as well. 

The authors of romance books are as diverse as the genre’s readers, but no name is more recognizable than the queen herself, Nora Roberts (or as some of you may also know her, J.D. Robb). For over forty years, Nora Roberts has been writing heart-racing romance, mesmerizing magic, and spine-tingling suspense. And she shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Why Nora Roberts is the queen of romance 

Speaking as someone who currently resides in the 35 to 54 age bracket but has been reading (and writing!) romance since she was in the 18 to 34 bracket, I admittedly have never read Nora Roberts nor her alter ego J.D. Robb. However, two of my best friends are the biggest Nora Roberts readers I’ve ever met so I asked them what it is about Nora that continues to inspire readers all these years later. This is what one of them had to say: 

Nora, with whom I have been on a first name basis for 20+ years, is the perfect romance author for people who think they don’t “do” romance (like I did 20 years ago!). My mom gave me Chesapeake Blue for Christmas in 2001, and I was hooked. Nora’s heroines are sassy, but loyal; the men are sensitive, but handy with tools; and the towns they live in are charming, but surprisingly diverse for their size.  I look forward to her new books — especially her trilogies — because reading her books is like coming home. I know I’m going to read about strong women and the men who appreciate them.

From second chances to new beginnings, love conquers all in the books of Nora Roberts. Full of passion, romance and compelling characters, her books stand the test of time – making now the perfect time to introduce new readers to her title catalog! 

Nora Roberts essential reads for new fans  

Because Nora Roberts is such a prolific writer with over 200 novels to her name, many new readers may struggle with where to start. This is especially true for her series and knowing the Nora Roberts books in order. To introduce Nora Roberts to new fans, Macmillan has put together a Nora Roberts Universe Explainer that can be viewed here

Not confined to one genre, Nora Roberts offers something for every reader: 

  • Epic stories set in the world of magick 
  • Heat and passion of true love 
  • High-octane action set on the electric streets of New York 
  • Haunted mansions and century-old curses 

Libraries looking to add more Nora Roberts to their collection can shop the Nora Roberts Universe Explainer in Marketplace here. 

About the author: Jill Grunenwald is a Marketing & Communications Specialist on the North America Public Library Marketing Team. A former librarian, she joined OverDrive in 2015. Outside of the office she can be found writing, hanging out with her cats, collecting more Tarot decks than she has room for, and playing competitive pinball. Her favorite genre is something she calls “Murder at an educational institution that involves a close-knit group of suspicious characters.”