July is here and Sora Sweet Reads 2024 is in full swing. Our biggest collection to date – over 100 titles! – has already clocked over 480,000 checkouts. In fact, our opening day on May 13 saw the highest day in checkouts in Sora history! We’re thrilled that students all across the globe are reading.  

Not only are students reading, but they’re taking advantage of additional ways to engage with the content. For the first time ever, we’ve partnered with Book Creator to create a special interactive template for students to document their reads. Our Sweet Reads Book Creator template has been read over 370 times. We love that students now have a fun way to showcase their favorite titles. If you haven’t explored this resource yet, check out our introductory video and instruction PDF 

While reading over the summer is a lot of fun, there’s also a lot that can be learned, too! Our friends at TeachingBooks ensure that your students and educators have all the tools they need to get the most out of every title they read. Did you know TeachingBooks has created resource lists for all of our Sweet Reads titles that are available at no cost? Be sure to check out their Elementary, Middle, and High School lists.

Top Sora Sweet Reads titles so far…

Here are the top 3 titles by checkouts so far this year. Do you recognize the titles or did any surprise you? We’re excited to see if these stay the same or change by the end of the program!   

Keep the fun going! 

Continue to promote your Sweet Reads program with our graphics and printable resources all available to download on the Sweet Reads website (check out our global site, too!) 

Are your students loving the titles they’re reading as part of the Sweet Reads program? Our team of librarians have created easy-to-use lists in Marketplace for you to browse the titles and add them to your school year collection once the program ends. You can view the lists by age group here:  

Lower Elementary School | Upper Elementary School | Middle School | High School