Kanopy has gained popularity as a go-to streaming service for public libraries, offering a diverse range of films, documentaries, family-friendly, and educational content. However, some misconceptions still linger, especially among smaller libraries that are considering whether to invest in this platform. Let’s break down the most common myths and set the record straight. 

Top 5 myths about Kanopy debunked

Myth #1: Kanopy is too expensive for small libraries 

Truth: While Kanopy’s Pay-Per-Use (PPU) model may initially seem more expensive than a flat-rate system, it provides libraries with greater control over their budget. Libraries can adjust their monthly spending limit and set ticket caps per patron, allowing them to manage costs effectively while still offering high-demand content. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for small libraries that need to closely monitor their spending. In fact, Kanopy will send email notifications when you reach certain percentages of your budget cap and the platform will auto pause patron usage if the 100% budget cap is reached. Learn more about the Monthly Budget Tracker on the Resource Center. 

For those libraries interested in an upfront option, Kanopy offers PLUS Packs! These curated themed bundles are full of captivating, unlimited use titles your patrons will love – all at one fixed price for you. Learn more about PLUS Packs here. 

By adopting both PPU and PLUS packs, small libraries can provide access to quality films without breaking the bank. In addition, many films on Kanopy come with Public Performance Rights (PPR) which allow libraries to host in-person viewing events at their library.  

Are you a library with less than 6,000 borrowers? Reach out to your Account Manager or contact us  to hear about special solutions to add Kanopy to your digital collection! 

Myth #2: Patrons won’t use the service 

Truth: Some small libraries worry their patrons won’t take advantage of Kanopy, particularly if they’re not familiar with streaming services. However, many libraries that have implemented Kanopy have seen enthusiastic uptake, especially among younger audiences who are accustomed to on-demand streaming content.  

Adoption of streaming platforms is up across the board: according to data from marketing measurement firm Nielsen, streaming accounted for 41.4% of media consumption in July 2024 and regularly outperforms Broadcast and Cable viewing. 

Small libraries have diverse communities with wide-ranging interests, and Kanopy’s collection is designed to cater to just that. Whether your patrons are interested in the latest film festival favorites, children’s programming, or niche subjects like environmental science, Kanopy has something for everyone. The platform also continuously updates its library, ensuring that there’s always fresh content to keep patrons engaged. 

With proper promotion, including the free toolkits available on the OverDrive Resource Center, libraries can encourage more patrons to explore what Kanopy has to offer. 

Myth #3: Patrons won’t be interested because they already have paid streaming services 

Truth: Subscription fatigue is on the rise and savvy viewers are cutting back on paid platforms. According to recent data by Forbes, 45% of surveyed Americans have canceled at least one streaming subscription within the past year because costs were too high. In addition, there is demand for ad-free content. According to that same survey from Forbes, half of streaming users pay for at least one service that offers content without advertisement, and within that group, 24% subscribe to services to specifically avoid ads.  

While the Nielsen data shows users prefer streaming services over traditional broadcast or cable options, many are finding it unsustainable to maintain multiple subscriptions – and that’s assuming they can afford a paid service to begin with, let alone more than one. For those in your community unable to afford a paid streaming video service, accessing Kanopy through the public library may be their only option for streaming video. 

One of Kanopy’s strongest suits is its vast and varied catalog, which includes everything from classic cinema to thought-provoking documentaries and educational series, and even kid-friendly content – all available to patrons at no-cost and ad-free.  

Myth #4: Kanopy is redundant with other library services 

Truth: Kanopy is a valuable complement to other digital resources, not a replacement. Alongside the ebooks and audiobooks you already offer, Kanopy fills a unique niche by providing high-quality video content for all ages and in multiple languages. The platform also provides closed captioning, subtitles, and transcripts for many of its films. This commitment to accessibility ensures that libraries can serve all patrons, including those with hearing impairments or language barriers. 

Moreover, Kanopy’s collection includes a wide range of films that address social issues, diversity, and inclusion—topics that are not only relevant but essential for fostering community dialogue and education. This focus on inclusivity further differentiates Kanopy from other services that may not prioritize such content. 

By offering Kanopy alongside other services, libraries can create a more comprehensive digital media experience for their patrons.  

Myth #5: Kanopy requires too much staff time to manage 

Truth: The idea that Kanopy requires extensive administrative oversight is a common misconception. In reality, Kanopy offers user-friendly interfaces and administrative tools that simplify content management. While smaller libraries may have limited staff, managing Kanopy doesn’t require a large team. The platform is designed to be low maintenance, with automated processes for many administrative tasks. Plus, because Kanopy is user-friendly, patrons can often navigate the service independently, minimizing the need for extensive staff involvement. 

The platform also provides detailed usage reports, which can help librarians track which titles are most popular and manage budgets effectively. To learn more about the Audience and Usage Analytics available on your Kanopy dashboard, visit the Resource Center. 

Ready to give your patrons the best in streaming video from Kanopy? 

Kanopy is a versatile and valuable resource for small libraries, providing access to a diverse collection of films and documentaries that can enrich your library’s offerings without straining your budget or staff. With a thoughtful approach, small libraries can tap into this dynamic streaming service and open a world of cinematic exploration for their communities. 

Contact us today to get started

About the author: Jill is a Marketing & Communications Specialist on the North America Public Library Marketing Team. A former librarian, she joined OverDrive in 2015. Outside of the office she can be found writing, hanging out with her cats, collecting more Tarot decks than she has room for, and playing competitive pinball. Her favorite genre is something she calls “Murder at an educational institution that involves a close-knit group of suspicious characters.”