Set students on a mission to reach their reading potential with Sora’s newest feature, Reading Goals!

Transform literacy engagement with Reading Goals

Reading Goals is a new way to encourage students to take ownership of their reading growth and motivate them along the way. It gives students the power to:

Set daily goals

Students can opt to set a daily reading goal between five and 60 minutes in one-minute increments. A new reading goal button () visually tracks goal progress, dynamically updating until the circle is complete.

Track real-time reading data

Tap the icon to see historical reading information, including current and previous goals, total reading time by day, and a calendar that highlights each day they met their goal.

Plus, teachers and administrators can access detailed reading stats in Marketplace’s student dashboard. This makes it easy to monitor changes, celebrate successes, identify learning opportunities, and measure progress to make data-driven decisions about the literacy needs of your students and district.

Unlock milestones

Students unlock the first Reading Goal milestone by meeting their reading goal for three days. As they continue to achieve their goals, they’ll keep soaring to new destinations.

Sora also incentivizes students with positive reinforcement by rewarding them for cumulative – not necessarily consecutive – efforts. This means they don’t have to stress over breaking a streak when life gets in the way!

(And if Reading Goals aren’t the right fit for every learner in your school, that’s okay too – they’re optional, so students can choose whether to enable them or not.)

Get set with Reading Goals!

Ready to start exploring Reading Goals? This how-to video and these Sora Help articles provide step-by-step instructions. And, as always, you can reach out to your Sora account team or email with additional questions.

Learn more about Reading Goals: Join a live webinar

Interested in learning how to help your students smash their summer reading goals using the combined powers of Sora’s Reading Goals and Book Creator? Sign up for our live webinar, Preparing Students to Smash Summer Reading Goals with Sora, jointly hosted by  David Hotler, Book Creator’s Community Manager, and Tiffany Wincek, OverDrive’s Product Liaison.  You won’t want to miss it!