The Importance of representation in your classroom
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. I loved Shiloh. I enjoyed Where the Red Fern Grows, despite what happens in…
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. I loved Shiloh. I enjoyed Where the Red Fern Grows, despite what happens in…
By: Sydney Kalnay, OverDrive Training Specialist. Managing time and resources can be difficult during the first few days back in…
It’s hard to believe but the calendar now says August which means school will soon be back in session. Students…
OverDrive Marketplace is the heartbeat of our digital library universe. It’s where library and school partners go to add new…
Summer is flying by and as the long, warm nights start to come to an end so do the reading…
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. When we heard about the Premier’s Reading Challenge in Australia, we could not help…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist and co-host of the Professional Book Nerds podcast. Recently on our Professional Book…
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist Though it’s hard to believe, it’s been a little over 3 months since we…
By: Liz Tousey, Librarian and OverDrive Collection Development Analyst. Have you heard that we’ve added BISAC subject headings for some…
At the 2016 International Society for Technology in Education Conference (ISTE) OverDrive will share updates on the technologies that have led…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist Last week I had the opportunity to travel to New York City to…
By: Todd Warhola, Librarian and OverDrive Collection Development Analyst. The K-5 QuickStart package is a great way to…
By: Sydney Kalnay, OverDrive Training Specialist (Ed. Note: This post discusses our training webcasts designed to help your staff become an…
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. Since the Resource Center‘s launch in April, we have received positive feedback and have…
By: Melissa Marin, a Marketing Specialist at OverDrive. It’s June so of course, you’re looking at the calendar and counting down…