Download Episode #5 of the Professional Book Nerds Podcast
By Jill Grunenwald, librarian, OverDrive Collection Development Analyst, and host of the Professional Book Nerds podcast As host of the…
What we’re excited to READ in 2016
By Kristin Milks, Librarian and Collection Development Analyst at OverDrive. We here at OverDrive know what you really need: more…
Kick off the new year with OverDrive Streaming Video
By Melissa Marin, Marketing Specialist on the Library Partner Services team at OverDrive. If you follow our blog, you’ve been…
How OverDrive Streaming Video adds value to your collection
When people think about their library’s digital offerings they likely think about all the great eBook and audiobooks they can…
Save up to 50% through the end of the year during our Holiday Spectacular Sale!
From now until December 31st you can save 25-50% off thousands of titles in OverDrive Marketplace from hundreds of publishers….
Librarian’s Share: boosting circulation through Featured Titles
By Theresa Tittle, a Librarian and Selector for the Pioneer Library System in Oklahoma. Ed. note: Pioneer Library System has…
Celebrate Read an eBook Day and win content credit from OverDrive!
We are excited to share that OverDrive will once again be celebrating Read an eBook Day on September 18th. This…
OverDrive to unveil the latest innovations in digital lending at Digipalooza
At Digipalooza, OverDrive will offer a live demonstration of the “new OverDrive”, introducing changes that came about through feedback from…
Digipalooza ‘15 is almost here!
On Wednesday August 5th, hundreds of librarians and publishers will join Team OverDrive in Cleveland, Ohio for Digipalooza, the 5th…
Create a staff of OverDrive champions with our on demand Learning Center
Your staff is busy. Between assisting users with the many programs your library runs, managing the library itself, one-on-one meetings…
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