Ninja Turtles, SpongeBob and the whole Nickelodeon gang are now available through OverDrive!
OverDrive is excited to announce that we are the first digital content provider live with narrated and fixed layout eBook…
An update on OverDrive and Kindle eBooks
Earlier this week, we became aware that a number of eBooks added to our catalog this year were lacking the…
Get 100 free Chinese eBooks for your digital collection!
To celebrate the Chinese New Year we are excited to offer any library or school 100 free Chinese eBooks when…
Highlight your streaming video collection with the new OverDrive Screening Room!
Last year OverDrive provided library partners the opportunity to highlight children and young adult content by offering an eReading Room for kids…
Why Digipalooza is a can’t miss conference (from those who have attended!)
Have you registered yet for Digipalooza? Space is filling up quickly so make sure to register soon. Did you know…
Join our #ODchat about kid lit on Feb 26th!
Last month we hosted our first ever #ODchat on Twitter. The goal was to create a monthly conversation centered around…
A look back at a record breaking year in digital reading (Infographic)
2014 was another record year for libraries and digital reading! Around the world users borrowed more than 136 million digital…
The best ways to contact the OverDrive support team
Over the last few years, OverDrive has gone to great lengths to improve the quality of our help and support…
Big Library Read is back!
We’re excited to announce the return of the Big Library Read, our global digital book club where millions of people…
Celebrate Presidents’ Day
Presidents’ Day is a chance for all of us to learn a bit more about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and…
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