The best ways to contact the OverDrive support team
Over the last few years, OverDrive has gone to great lengths to improve the quality of our help and support…
Big Library Read is back!
We’re excited to announce the return of the Big Library Read, our global digital book club where millions of people…
Celebrate Presidents’ Day
Presidents’ Day is a chance for all of us to learn a bit more about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and…
Collection Highlights: Sweet Sales
Want an insider’s take on some of the biggest sales going on in OverDrive Marketplace this February and March? Click…
You can add Teacher’s Notebook materials to your Marketplace cart
One of the best ways to get your faculty excited about your digital library is to ask your teachers what…
Stop the presses! OverDrive now offers popular magazines and newspapers
We are excited to announce that we, along with Barnes & Noble NOOK®, now offer more than 1,000 popular magazines…
To Kill a Mockingbird Read-Alikes
Here at OverDrive, we’re fangirling hard over the announcement of a sequel to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. We’re…
You can’t spell Chromebook without eBook: OverDrive and Chromebook
With the increasing popularity of Chromebooks, especially in schools, we have seen a bump in interest from Chromebook owners about…
5 Takeaways from ALA Midwinter
Every time I travel to a conference for OverDrive, I am blown away by the passion that the library community…
OverDrive and HP collaborate to provide eBooks to students on new devices
OverDrive and HP are working together to bring eBook and digital audiobooks to K-12 classrooms. HP recently announced Education Edition…
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