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2025 South Carolina Association of School Librarians

Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln St, Columbia, SC, United States

Presentations: "Supporting Early Literacy from the Library & TeachingBooks" March 21, from 9:00am-9:45am in Carolina A. "Enriching School Wide Collaboration...

OverDrive Signature Events

Big Library Read

Big Library Read is a reading program through your library that connects millions of readers around the world with the same eBook or audiobook at the same time without any wait lists or holds.

Check Out Your Library

Dive into the fun at your library - the ultimate hotspot for entertainment and community! Join the movement of fellow library lovers who cherish the safe spaces our public and school libraries offer.


Digipalooza is OverDrive's international user group conference. With a unique blend of education, networking and fun, this is a can't-miss event for anyone that works with digital media in their library!

Read an eBook Day

eBooks enable you to take the stories and authors you love with you anytime, anywhere. If you have a smartphone, tablet or computer you can be connected to a world of literature whether you’re sitting on your couch, on an airplane 30,000 feet in the air and anywhere in between.

Together We Read

A Digital Book Club through the library in participating countries, Together We Read connects readers in each region with the same eBook, simultaneously. This program is free and all you need to get started reading is a library card.