Drive institutional digital sales globally
Discovery & sales channels
Our network of 92,000 public libraries, schools, colleges and universities, and corporate libraries span the globe and reaches millions of readers of all ages. With a proven track record of long-term publisher relationships, OverDrive is the distribution partner you need to get your books in front of more readers.
- Reach readers in 100+ languages and 115 countries (and growing!)
- Public Library CONNECT provides access to thousands of schools and millions of students
Marketing opportunities
When your titles are available through OverDrive, your catalogs, authors and series are exposed to avid readers and potential buyers every day. Through a variety of no-cost merchandising and promotion programs, we help publishers create communities around their content.
- Engage with readers through global, national, regional and local author events and book clubs, including Together We Read and Big Library Read
- Inspire the next generation with year-round and seasonal targeted campaigns for K-12, including Sora Sweet Reads
World-class support
Our Publishers Account Services team is the trusted partner you need to get your books in front of more readers.
Ready to get started?
The world’s leading digital Marketplace for institutions
OverDrive Marketplace is the premier catalog and sales platform for public library, academic, K-12 educator, and international institutional buyers. We support ebooks, audiobooks, digital magazines, streaming video and a variety of databases and streaming media services.
OverDrive offers a variety of opportunities to dramatically increase the visibility of your catalog to qualified buyers. We feature your titles through email marketing and point-of-purchase promotions, directly reaching thousands of content buyers.
Readers discover your titles using one of our award-winning apps. Libby is available for public, academic and corporate libraries, while K-12 students can connect to their school’s digital collection using Sora. Public and academic libraries also offer thought-provoking, exclusive streaming video content through the Kanopy app.
Increase the visibility of your content catalog
How partnership with OverDrive works
- Distribution agreement: Engage with our Publisher Account Services team to complete a distribution agreement.
- Onboard content: Your content is onboarded into our secure environment. OverDrive adheres to the highest standards for digital rights management (DRM) and metadata support.
- No-cost merchandising & promotion: Our merchandising and collection development teams promote your content in custom collection lists to library and school buyers and our Marketplace Featured Lists page puts your content in front of the most interested reader base. Frequent large-scale and targeted sales drive awareness and purchasing of your content.
- Channel discovery & purchase: Thousands of qualified library and school buyers view the Marketplace catalog daily, driving discovery and purchasing.
- Instant access to your audience: Purchased titles are immediately available to users via our award-winning apps: Libby for public, academic and corporate libraries, and Sora for K-12 students.
- Reliable reporting & insights: Through the OverDrive Connect administrative portal, you can run real-time reports to see how your content is performing, access business and promotional materials and find helpful guidelines about submitting new inventory.
See how Connect supports our partnerships

Title discovery & purchasing through Marketplace

Publishers: Partner with OverDrive to get catalog exposure & insights

Have questions about partnering with OverDrive? Visit our Publisher FAQs page.