Emma’s 10 deserted island books
Ed. Note: This is the 2nd in our series of books we’d take on a deserted island if we could…
Get over 30,000 titles 25-50% off with the Back to School sale
In a world where schools are back in session, librarians and educators need a sale to properly prepare their digital…
W. W. Norton titles are now available in OverDrive Marketplace!
If you live anywhere near OverDrive’s Cleveland headquarters, it’s entirely possible you’ve heard some extra shouts of happiness coming from…
September/October Kids & Teens eHighlights are here!
In the middle of July, I’m hesitant to talk about all the things that Autumn brings: cool weather, changing leaves,…
Special Edition eHighlights—Summer Audiobooks
Warmer weather has finally arrived and with it, hopefully, comes some leisure time for you and your patrons. What better…
New Adult Edition of eHighlights for August and September are out!
The Collection Development team has scouted the best titles for August and September in the newest edition of the Adult…
Recommended Lists for May
May is always a very exciting month here at the OverDrive headquarters in Cleveland. Spring is officially here and it…
Engaging your patrons with digital magazines and newspapers
A young professional wakes up and reads USA Today with her morning coffee. The newspaper isn’t delivered to her apartment…
Reviewing Days of Awe by Lauren Fox
Lauren Fox won me over a few years ago when I read Friends Like Us in one sitting. I was…
Books for dog lovers
We all know librarians love them some cats, but I have a confession: I’m a total dog person! The first…
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