Every day, you help readers in your community find books. Now, we want to hear what titles YOU are most looking forward to picking up in October! Maybe you’ve switched to horror in honor of spooky season, or maybe you’re spending the cooler nights curled up under a blanket with an epic fantasy, or perhaps you aren’t ready to say goodbye to summer and beach reads yet. Whatever it is, we want to know about it and to feature your October reads on our social media.

All you have to do is take 10 seconds to film a vertical video sharing one book you’re excited to read next month. We’ll share the video compilation on social media in the beginning of October. Don’t forget to introduce yourself with your name and the name of your library.  

After you’ve filmed your video, be sure to email it to our social media specialist here by Sept. 26.  

Let’s ignite the love for reading together!