Introducing new ways for readers to enjoy OverDrive Magazines from your library
Collection Development, Featured, Library
Expand the content variety in your library catalog and appeal to a wider user base with OverDrive Magazines! Sold as an “all-in” plan of over 4,000+ magazine titles, our magazines have no circulation cap and allow unlimited simultaneous use. Patrons can enjoy every issue of every magazine.
Recently, Libby introduced new enhancements that make discovering and engaging with OverDrive Magazines even easier for readers.
New ways to discover and enjoy magazines:

- One tap to read: When a user discovers a magazine in your collection, they can open it and start reading with one tap, generating a checkout for your library.
- Streamlined access: Instead of appearing alongside ebook and audiobook loans, magazines now have their own dedicated section of the Shelf summary, called the Magazine Rack. From the Magazine Rack, users will see the latest issue of their magazine subscriptions and any other issues they choose to keep. This helps users find their favorite magazines from your library in one convenient place.
- Easier subscriptions: Users can subscribe to magazines from your library via a new, convenient Subscribe option from magazine search results and title details pages. When a new issue is released, it will automatically be added to the user’s Magazine Rack and generate a checkout for your library.
- Improved discovery: From their Magazine Rack, users can navigate to your library’s Newsstand, a new view of a user’s recently opened issues and other popular magazine titles in your collection.
If your library does not currently offer magazines, you can visit our Resource Center to learn more or reach out to your Account Manager with any questions.
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