OverDrive shares significant growth in usage at London Book Fair
By: Rickie Mascia, OverDrive Social Media Specialist. At the London Book Fair, March 14-16, OverDrive’s global expansion is providing one…
K-5 Quickstart is a year old. Celebrate with free eBooks!
By: Nikka Hronis, Account Specialist. Just one short year ago, we announced the launch of OverDrive’s K-5 QuickStart collection—a reading…
Readers Around the Globe Join Largest Digital Book Club to Devour “Art of the Pie”
Mar. 15, 2017 – One of the best cookbooks of 2016 selected for Big Library Read, the global book club through libraries
4 easy ways to use OverDrive Help
By: Adam Sockel, Marketing & Communications Specialist and co-host of the Professional Book Nerds podcast. OverDrive Help is a wonderful resource…
Celebrate Pi Day by preparing for the Big Library Read
March 14 is known around the world as Pi Day. This is a holiday dedicated to celebrating Pi, a…
OverDrive’s Institutional Buyers Drive Strong eBook Growth for 2016
Mar. 13, 2017 – Led by North America, library and school partners reach millions of new readers and drive sales
OverDrive Education announces K-12 school spring tour dates
The OverDrive Education team is traveling to 9 states (including 1 in Canada) on our K-12 Fall Tour! We enjoyed…
Best of International Women’s Day 2017
March is Women’s History Month. March 8th was International Women’s Day. If you spent any time on social media yesterday,…
Win free registration to Digipalooza 2017!
OverDrive is excited to announce a partnership with Penguin Random House to offer 10 scholarships for Digipalooza ‘17! The scholarship…
Ghost in the Shell Manga, the revolutionary series, now available on OverDrive
We’re excited to announce that the Ghost in the Shell, the award winning and revolutionary manga titles by Shirow Masamune, is now…
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