Happy Read Across America Day!
Today is March 2nd and we’re delighted to say Happy Read Across America Day! We’re hoping you’ll celebrate and perhaps…
An update on OverDrive and Kindle eBooks
Earlier this week, we became aware that a number of eBooks added to our catalog this year were lacking the…
Get 100 free Chinese eBooks for your digital collection!
To celebrate the Chinese New Year we are excited to offer any library or school 100 free Chinese eBooks when…
Why Digipalooza is a can’t miss conference (from those who have attended!)
Have you registered yet for Digipalooza? Space is filling up quickly so make sure to register soon. Did you know…
Join our #ODchat about kid lit on Feb 26th!
Last month we hosted our first ever #ODchat on Twitter. The goal was to create a monthly conversation centered around…
A look back at a record breaking year in digital reading (Infographic)
2014 was another record year for libraries and digital reading! Around the world users borrowed more than 136 million digital…
You can’t spell Chromebook without eBook: OverDrive and Chromebook
With the increasing popularity of Chromebooks, especially in schools, we have seen a bump in interest from Chromebook owners about…
OverDrive and HP collaborate to provide eBooks to students on new devices
OverDrive and HP are working together to bring eBook and digital audiobooks to K-12 classrooms. HP recently announced Education Edition…
2014 saw widespread growth in K-12 market for eBooks and digital content
2014 was a great year, and we’re excited to see what 2015 will bring! This past year, we experienced a…
Win free registration to Digipalooza ‘15!
OverDrive is excited to announce a partnership with Digipalooza conference partner, Penguin Random House, to offer 10 scholarships for Digipalooza…
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