Reach more readers with digital comics & magazines for schools
Add new dimensions to your school’s digital collection! Give your students more reasons to love reading with All Access Comics and magazines packages, available through the same award-winning platform they’re used to for ebooks and audiobooks: Sora.

Page-turners for students of all ages
Content availability is subject to change at the discretion of the publisher. Availability may also vary by geographic rights.

Get started with comics and magazines
Content availability is subject to change at the discretion of the publisher. Availability may also vary by geographic rights.

Get started with comics and magazines
4 reasons to add digital comics & magazines right now
- One annual price per package: All Access Comics and magazines are budget-friendly for schools and districts of all sizes, with tiered, bundled pricing.
- Reviewed by real librarians: Credentialed school librarians review every new issue before it arrives. Plus, your school can set content access levels for each title.
- No holds or waitlists: All comics and magazines are simultaneous-use, so there’s no limit to how many students can read at the same time.
- One platform: No matter what they’re reading, Sora offers the same easy experience for students – plus usage data and insights for educators.

2,000+ comics from brands they love
The no-muss, no-fuss way to give your readers what they want! All Access Comics features age-appropriate digital comics for every grade level, including top titles from Disney, Dark Horse, Image Comics and IDW, plus popular Marvel properties that aren’t currently available anywhere else for schools.
200+ magazines to complement your curriculum
Great for both independent reading and classroom instruction in any subject, the magazines package has 200+ of the most popular titles worldwide, catered to students of all ages. New magazines are always being added, and most include back issues. Plus, enjoy special article and thumbnail views for each issue in Sora.
Learn more about All Access Comics and magazines in Sora
All Access Comics and magazines packages cannot currently be purchased in OverDrive Marketplace. Interested in adding these titles? Please provide your info and we’ll get back to you.