By: Jill Grunenwald

The Ringer looks at the busted bodies and broken bones of Muggle Quidditch
High-school gym class taught me that organized sports are the worst, and yet I would like to believe that had Muggle Quidditch been around when I was in college I would have enthusiastically joined up. That said: are we surprised? Just think of how many times Harry ended up needing Madam Pomfrey’s assistance to help with Quidditch related injuries (and let’s not forget that rather unfortunate incident with Lockhart who decided to take magical healing matters into his own hands and left Harry without any bones in his arm.)

Obama’s summer reading list is inspired by his upcoming trip to Africa (via Bustle)
The last one on the list — The World As It Is — is written by a former Obama White House staffer and I’m just kind of loving the idea of Obama reading it. I mean, what if Obama remembers things differently? Awkward.

The State Library of Ohio has launched a custom infographic tool and Library Journal has all the details
Ohio represent! This is actually a super cool tool: you put in the library and what kind of data you are looking for — materials & circulation, programming, youth services among others — and the website will download a fancy little infographic with all the data and images.

The Professional Book Nerds good friend Marieke Nijkamp gets to write an origin story about Barbara Gordon’s transformation into Oracle

This week’s “things Jill found interesting” comes from The Verge: Astronomers have found a new crop of moons around Jupiter, and one of them is a weirdo [actual title]
How is this even possible?! Like, I know Jupiter is big and all but over ten moons have just, I dunno, been hidden all this time? I have so many questions right now.

Tomorrow’s book releases you should be on the lookout for: Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn and Ghosted by Rosie Walsh. Zahn is back with a follow-up to his 2017 book Thrawn and Walsh’s book is getting a ton of buzz in book circles.