OverDrive offers flexible access models in the digital format to support group reading programs, like city-wide book clubs. Many libraries have hosted successful digital book clubs, engaging thousands of new and existing library users through organized group discussions, author events, and more.
The Book Club model offers libraries a choice of Simultaneous Use (a flat fee for an unlimited number of readers for a set period of time) or a per-unit bulk discount for their featured title. Special sale pricing meets the needs of library budgets and puts authors’ works in the hands of more readers.
For a flat fee and set period, the title can be accessed by an entire community
Multiple units can be purchased at a reduced price

Getting started
When you’re ready to get started, please provide OverDrive with the following information, and we’ll approach publishers on your behalf to negotiate the terms for the title of your choice.
- Name of program (e.g., City Read, One Book, One Community, etc.)
- Program dates
- Estimated number of copies you will need or preference for Simultaneous Use permission
- Estimated number of checkouts
- Budget for the program
- Planned marketing activities
- Additional events or assets (e.g., author appearance, website, etc.)
Once the program has been approved by the publisher, OverDrive will add the title to your digital collection.
In addition to being fully discoverable in your collection:
- We will prominently display the title on your website and add custom messaging about the program.
- We can curate a custom collection for your website featuring read-alike titles to further engage readers.
- We can create customized web and print marketing materials to help you promote the program in your library and around your community.