OverDrive Australia

OverDrive for Australian Libraries

Attract more readers and increase circulation with the world’s top digital library platform.

Looking to take your library to the next level and expand your reach and enhance engagement? Our award-winning app, Libby, gives your patrons to access to a customized digital book collection, available with Australian and international authors in multiple formats. Plus, you can easily consolidate ebooks and audiobooks from other digital platforms.

Partner with OverDrive

Offering more than just digital books

Libby logo
OverDrive’s digital collection allows libraries grow their communities beyond their physical walls, with the Libby app, giving patrons anytime, anywhere access to ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more!

Plus, enabling extra content from our databases and streaming media services give your patrons access to entertainment, education, and unique digital experiences all in one platform.

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Sora logo
Join more than 59,000 schools worldwide that use the Sora student reading app for in-person and remote learning. Sora is a digital reading platform and app that ensures all your students have an equal opportunity to succeed with literacy. Build a collection of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more from our industry-best catalogue to meet your school’s unique curriculum and enrichment reading needs. From beloved favorites to picks for ELL, Social Studies, World Languages, Science, Graphic Novels and more, we have a global catalogue to choose from!

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Kanopy logo
Kanopy partners with public libraries and universities to bring your patrons ad-free, critically-acclaimed films and series that can be enjoyed on their TV, mobile phone, tablet and online. Everyone from film scholars to casual viewers will discover remarkable and enriching films on Kanopy. Younger viewers have Kanopy Kids to add thoughtful, educational entertainment for children of all ages. At Kanopy we believe in the power of film to bridge cultural boundaries and bring people together. Start watching today and expand your worldview with us.

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Meet your Australia team

Even with the best software, we know you need customized support to meet your digital collection goals. Our Australia team combines a deep understanding of local libraries and content with years of experience helping drive performance to maximize return on investment.

Malcolm O’Brien

Regional Manager – Australia & New Zealand

Mal joined OverDrive after seven years with Wavesound in Australia. He brings extensive experience in bookselling, commercial publishing and the music and video industry in Australia.

A Sydney resident, Mal works with libraries in northern Australia (NSW, ACT, QLD, NT).


Julianne Tobin

Account Manager II

Julianne joined OverDrive in 2020 after working for Wavesound. She previously worked for Penguin Random House for 12 years in business development, and Penguin in the UK and Australia as a sales representative. She enjoys working with libraries and being part of all that they have to offer.

A Melbourne resident, Julianne works with libraries in southern Australia (VIC, SA, WA, TAS).


Janet Galimi

Account Executive I

Janet joined OverDrive in 2023, after working as a teacher librarian at a K-12 school in Sydney. She developed a passion for digital books as she studied the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) at Charles Sturt University, appreciating the huge educational benefits to be gained from using digital books as a tool for teaching and learning.

A Sydney resident, Janet is now partnering with school libraries in Australia and New Zealand using Sora.


Julie Buckroyd

Account Manager

Julie Buckroyd has been working with Academic, Public and TAFE libraries for over 30 years, which includes 22 years at Jaems Bennett and 6 years at Wavesound, Experience in collection development and thorough understanding of library requirements. Based in Sydney, she looks after Academic, TAFE and Corporate libraries, for OverDrive Academic for Australia and New Zealand and Kanopy for Australia, New Zealand and Asia.


Monica Williams

Account Manager

Monica has over 15 years of experience working as a Librarian and Multimedia Technician in within Corporate and Education Sectors. She has a passion for Technology, E-Learning and Photography.

Currently, Monica is an IT Consultant for several Victorian Teacher Associations including the School Library Association of Victoria. She also sits on the VALA committee.

Based in Melbourne, Monica joined OverDrive in 2022 after working as the Library Manager and a Digital Literacy Specialist at a Catholic Girls Secondary College.


Expand your digital collection – partner with OverDrive

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