OverDrive updates: Dyslexic font options and improved waiting list displays
This week OverDrive released new updates to our library websites that continue to provide users with a more fulfilling digital reading experience….
OverDrive Listen is now live!
We are excited to announce a new listening option for audiobooks, called OverDrive Listen, is now available for your audiobook collection! Similar…
Introducing the OverDrive Summer Read program
OverDrive is excited to introduce our inaugural OverDrive Summer Read program, designed to encourage your students to keep reading all…
Keep your students reading all summer long!
It’s finally that time of year! Sweet Summer Time. While the summer is best served hot and under the sun,…
Learn about the newest formats available from OverDrive with our latest hot topics webinars!
Over the past year OverDrive has been dedicated to helping you maximize the value of your digital library by enabling…
Make your summer plans now and add Digipalooza to your calendar
Exciting things are happening in Northeast Ohio this August! Of course,Digipalooza is number one in our books (August 5-7, 2015)…
The next Reader’s Advisory project is coming soon!
We’re excited to invite your library and/or school to participate in OverDrive’s next Reader’s Advisory project. The project offers hand-picked…
10 perfect quotes about life from our favorite children’s books
Children’s books have a way of shaping who we become, not just as readers, but as people. They are our…
Join us at DigiP: 100 Days and Counting!
The countdown is on: there are officially 100 days to go until Digipalooza ‘15 and we are busy working to…
OHDELA students become eBook explorers & boost digital circulation
Recently, I attended an open house event for OHDELA (Ohio Distance and Electronic Learning Academy), along with a few colleagues….
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