OverDrive and HP collaborate to provide eBooks to students on new devices
OverDrive and HP are working together to bring eBook and digital audiobooks to K-12 classrooms. HP recently announced Education Edition…
Front Page - School News, In the News, Library, New Partners, Schools
2014 saw widespread growth in K-12 market for eBooks and digital content
2014 was a great year, and we’re excited to see what 2015 will bring! This past year, we experienced a…
Win free registration to Digipalooza ‘15!
OverDrive is excited to announce a partnership with Digipalooza conference partner, Penguin Random House, to offer 10 scholarships for Digipalooza…
Help your students resolve to read more in 2015
Creating a New Year’s resolution is a time-honored tradition. We vow to better ourselves in some fashion, be it improving…
OverDrive’s 10 most frequently asked questions
In 2015, more people will use your OverDrive-powered digital library than ever before. To help you stay on top of…
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