Don’t miss your chance to sign up for the Digital Dash 2017!
By: Melissa Marin, OverDrive Marketing Specialist The Digital Dash is a checkout challenge for your library to make 2017 your…
How Wellington City Libraries are connecting with readers through smartphone wallpapers
Millions of readers around the world have fallen in love with the convenience and accessibility of eBooks and digital audiobooks…
How Google and OverDrive are connecting readers to e-Books from your local library
You may have noticed some exciting news reported recently by the likes of Slate, Engadget, The Verge, Library Journal and several…
National Library Board of Singapore launches the first-ever Digital Business Library
The National Library Board of Singapore (NLB) has long been a pioneer in digital library lending, offering a robust collection of 130,000+…
OverDrive’s “Instant Digital Card” brings thousands of new users to the library
By: Adam Sockel, Marketing Communications Specialist At Digipalooza this past August, we announced a pilot program called Instant Digital Card…
Dyslexia Awareness Marketing kit, now at the Resource Center
By: Christina Samek, Marketing Specialist October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and OverDrive is proud to offer reading solutions for every…
Uncover The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett now that Big Library Read is live
By: Adam Sockel, Marketing Communications Specialist Hawthorn was enjoying a standard, if mundane, teenage life when the disappearance of Lizzie Lovett…
Getting the most out of your OverDrive reading history
By: Adam Sockel, Marketing Communications Specialist Last week, we released an exciting update to our digital library websites that gives users access…
Happy Fall, Y’all – October’s Live Library Webcasts
By: Courtney Sveda, OverDrive Training Specialist With the ushering in of autumn comes all our favorite fall activities- watching football,…
8 more of our favorite young adult book quotes for Teen Read Week
By: Adam Sockel, who read YA as a teen and continues to do so to this day. Earlier this week,…
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