The title OverDrive users selected as the next Big Library Read
The next Big Library Read will be kicking off October 13, and the YA title chosen in our survey by…
11 classic book quotes that prove the importance of reading banned books
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist Being a library company we fervently believe in the importance of Banned Books…
The top 5 reasons you can’t miss Digipalooza 2017
By: Melissa Marin, OverDrive Marketing Specialist What are you doing next August? We hope the answer is joining us in…
Team OverDrive spends a day with the Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank
Recently, members of Team OverDrive spent an afternoon volunteering at The Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank, helping to sort and package…
Tools to Help Users with Common OverDrive Questions
By: Briana Johnson-Sims, OverDrive Training Specialist How do I return titles early? How do I curate collections in Marketplace? How…
Celebrate Read an eBook Day and win content credit from OverDrive
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist You may have heard that we’re celebrating the third annual International Read an…
No time to read? Think again.
By: Melissa Marin, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. With September being Library Card Sign-Up Month and Read an eBook Day quickly approaching,…
There’s still time to join this month’s OverDrive training webinars
By: Sydney Kalnay, OverDrive Training Specialist. Looking to learn about — or refresh your understanding of — OverDrive Marketplace or…
Create Reading Happiness: Library Card Sign Up month and Celebrating Read an eBook Day
By: Adam Sockel, Social Media Specialist September is known around the literary world as Library Card Sign Up Month, a…
World-renowned Pimsleur Language Program Teams with OverDrive
We’re excited to announce a new partnership with Simon & Schuster’s Pimsleur Language Programs to be the exclusive international (outside the U.S.) digital…
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