Build your college or university a custom digital collection from our catalog of millions of ebook, audiobook and streaming video titles from 5,000+ publishers.
Our experienced team of content experts will work with you to select the right titles to serve your students’ and staff’s unique reading and learning needs – anytime, anywhere.

Webinar: ebooks can do that? Customize your academic library with digital
Check out this on-demand webinar to learn how a customized digital collection can address space, access and relevancy issues in your academic library. Digital curation should be simple and flexible. Reporting and catalog integration should be easy and robust. Students need comprehensive access to the best in popular reading, university presses, videos and more. Archivist/Reference Librarian Paul Huffman of Lindenwood University (MO), shares his perspective on how Lindenwood uses ebooks and audiobooks to meet student demand and boost engagement.