Getting the most out of the Big Library Read program
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive’s Social Media Specialist The Big Library Read digital book club program, which kicks off June 23,…
Helpful new tools and trainings available in the OverDrive Resource Center
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. Since the Resource Center‘s launch in April, we have received positive feedback and have…
Create Reading Happiness: Celebrating Audiobook Month!
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist and audiobook addict. June is widely known as Audiobook Month, a time to…
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about OverDrive Marketplace (Webcast)
By: Sydney Kalnay, OverDrive Training Specialist. Please join OverDrive’s Training and Collection Development teams for our May 19th special webcast,…
How to spread the word to your community about the Big Library Read
The latest Big Library Read begins on March 17th with readers having selected American Sniper as the title users from…
Librarian’s Share: Hillsborough County Public Library’s innovative marketing leads to record checkouts
By Brian Walton, Principal Librarian for the Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library Recently I had the chance to chat with Brian…
Wearing your Library eBookLove on your sleeve (or your skin!)
By Melissa Marin, a Marketing Specialist on the Library Partner Services team at OverDrive We recently shared 7 easy social…
7 easy ways to promote your digital collection on social media
By Adam Sockel, OverDrive’s Social Media Specialist In the library world we understand that budgets are often tight, with every…
Recapping the morning sessions from day one of #DigiP15
Libraries and Digital Media: State of the Industry The morning of #DigiP15 began with a wonderful breakfast sponsored by Tantor…
Go window shopping for marketing materials!
We are excited to announce a few promotional updates to support your library or school’s marketing efforts. You can always…
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