OverDrive Marketplace is the heartbeat of our digital library universe. It’s where library and school partners go to add new content to your websites, create curated collections, review user recommendations and analyze Insights and reports. We’ve designed Marketplace to be an easy shopping experience regardless of what type of content you’re looking for. We constantly work towards new features and tool to make sure the process of adding the titles your users want is seamless and simple.

46271376125146b3a0c8ed098bf608eaWhile our goal is to provide the best possible process for your Collection Development team, we realize that there is always more that can be done. To that end, we’ve created a quick survey for partners to provide feedback and share thoughts. The feedback provided will help determine what enhancements are created and what pieces of Marketplace are updated.

Please take a few minutes to help continue to development this world class purchasing tool. If it matters to our partners, it matters to us so don’t be shy about letting us know what you’d like to see!