Girl Day is a worldwide campaign to introduce girls to the fascinating world of engineering. Thousands of people—engineers, teachers and others—act as Role Models and educate girls about how engineers change our world. This simple act has turned many girls on to engineering & technology careers.

Because you can’t be what you don’t see.

We think a lot about representation and inclusion here at OverDrive. Inclusion sits at the intersection of so many issues: race, ability, economy, gender and behavior. Check out these resources to keep your classroom civil and healthy.

eBooks and audiobooks for inclusion

STEM Books for Girls

February 23rd is Girls Day; these classroom titles are sure to boost engagement for girls in science and math in your classroom. The preview of our Women’s History Month list will round out the help, too.

Black History Month

We’re halfway through Black History Month. Don’t let your lessons stop at King and Parks. Here are nearly 150 titles of the Black American experience, including biography, history and culture.

Inclusion and Representation

An essential list of titles to promote positive classroom culture, help students handle conflict, and deal with bullying and the bystander effect.

Representation blogs with more titles

OverDrive is for All Types of Learners

Audiobooks and ReadAlongs help English Language Learners practice their skills efficiently and playfully. Our dyslexic font makes it easier for readers with processing challenges to access the books that might otherwise pose issues in print.

Content to Keep Representation in Your Classroom

This blog features podcasts and an extensive collection of lists focusing on inclusion of African American, LGBTQ, Asian, Hispanic and Jewish authors and experiences.

The Importance of Representation in Your Classroom

Celebrating The Snowy Day and #1000blackgirlbooks.