By Sydney Kalnay, Training Manager

I started working at my public library during the summer months. What I remember best about that time is the flow of the library, the way everyone was in sync from the dance of shelving carts to the beat of the barcode scanner.  

When October hit, that flow changed overnight. A thrum of anxiety replaced the graceful, easygoing vibe as everyone turned their focus to the new fiscal year. Even those of us not directly involved in selecting and purchasing felt the change, like a lump in our throats we couldn’t quite swallow. 

Are you feeling any of that as October slides inexorably into November and beyond? I’m happy to say we’ve got some live webinar resources to help restore that flow – opportunities I wish my librarians had back when I was working alongside them.

Ebookin’ on a Budget

First, on October 11 at 2 PM (ET), we have Ebookin’ on a Budget: Buy More and Spend Less with OverDrive, a 60-minute discovery session focused on self-service tools to manage and expand your digital collection without stress. (I want some budgeting tips!)

Register now.

Getting Started with Libby

Then, on October 26 at 2 PM (ET), we’re hosting our popular Getting Started with Libby session, an engaging, straightforward session focused on ways to get your patrons into Libby so they can borrow all the great titles you’ve purchased (and curated!) since the Ebookin’ session. (Sign me up for some Libby learning!)

Register now.

Both sessions offer live Q&A with our staff library experts. Can’t make a session live? Register anyway, and we will automatically send you the recording link the next day so you can watch the session on-demand. 

We hope your October flows freely and—and without fiscal frivolity. Happy reading!