MARC records for popular eBooks now available from OverDrive


(CLEVELAND, OH – August 19, 2003) OverDrive, Inc., ( a leading provider of library eBook solutions announced today that it has been added to the OCLC Cataloging Partners Program.  OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. ( is the largest computer library service and research organization in the world.  OverDrive’s participation in the program has led to the creation of a new MARC record for eBooks that contains rich full-text bibliographic information pertaining to digital media and helps librarians save valuable budget dollars in the collection development process. Now libraries can cost effectively add best-selling eBooks into their catalogs by utilizing customized MARC records from OCLC for titles purchased from OverDrive.

As part of the program, OCLC is also adding OverDrive’s Content Reserve collection of eBooks to WorldCat, the world’s largest database of bibliographic information containing nearly 50 million records.  In addition, OverDrive is providing OCLC with critical catalog data on tens of thousands of popular eBooks in several formats including Adobe Reader (PDF), Microsoft Reader and Palm Digital Media.  eBook titles from leading publishing houses such as HarperCollins PerfectBound, AOL Time Warner, McGraw-Hill, Scholastic and hundreds of others are available for purchase by libraries through Content Reserve ( the leading online repository of eBooks in the world.

“OCLC MARC records for OverDrive eBooks contain evaluative information for collection development purposes including file size and digital rights management settings,” stated Pamela Turner, Director of Content for OverDrive.   “This data enables librarians and patrons to compute download times, storage requirements, as well as detailed permissions associated with the copyrighted materials of the eBook as supplied by the source of acquisition.  These may include the ability to copy or print portions of the title and whether the eBook may be ‘read aloud’ using the text-to-speech features of certain software programs,” Ms Turner added.

The new OCLC MARC eBook record fills a growing need in the library community for accurate, timely and expanded catalog data that embraces digital media.  Prior to this new record, librarians and collection managers would not know if an eBook was available for a particular print book.  Now this information will be available for librarians and users in one complete record – instantly and at their fingertips anytime they search for a print title in WorldCat.

OCLC also provides customized MARC records for each library that includes a dynamic link (URL) providing users with a direct link to the library website where the eBook is available for downloading. This further automates the process of adding OverDrive eBook titles to a library’s catalog holdings, saving time and money. OCLC is working with the Library of Congress to further standardize this new MARC record format for eBooks.


Media Contacts

OverDrive, Inc.

Jennifer A. Jackson

216-573-6886 ext 207

