By: Jill Grunenwald, Librarian and OverDrive Collection Development Analyst


October marks LGBT History Month in the United States, with October 11th being National Coming Out Day. Here at OverDrive, we recognize the importance of celebrating the tremendous civil rights strides the LGBT community has made over the years and highlighting the icons and individuals who have turned those struggles into successes. (While also acknowledging there are still challenges ahead.)

The most recent moment in LGBT history is, of course, marriage equality and the winner of the 2016 Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award is Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial by Kenji Yoshino. This award is part of the Stonewall Book Awards which is awarded by the American Library Association and sponsored by the GLBT Round Table.

In observance of LGBT History Month, we have several lists available of related books and streaming video:

Stonewall Book Award Winners
LGBTQ Teen Reading List
Transgender Titles
LGBT Streaming Video
LGBTQ Pride Month

Any of these lists would make excellent curated collections on your OverDrive site. The LGBT members of your community who may not feel comfortable physically coming to the library to check out books can feel safe and anonymous checking out the same books on their tablet or mobile device at home.