By: Sarah Wilsman, Collection Development Specialist.

Did you know that Hispanic Americans are the largest ethnic or racial minority in the United States?

54% of the population in California, Florida and Texas identify as Hispanic which Merriam Webster defines as someone, “of, related to, or being a person living in the U.S. from or whose ancestors were from Latin America.”

What to read for Hispanic Heritage Month

This month we celebrate the cultures, histories, and peoples of Spanish, Mexican, Caribbean, and Central and South American descent. Popular authors from this demographic include Benjamin Alire Saenz, winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction and American Book Award, Francisco X Stork, Sandra Cisneros, Pam Muñoz Ryan, and Celia Perez author of one of my favorite mid-grade titles, The First Rule of Punk.

Check out this is an excellent list of titles for all grade levels from School Library Journal.

Enjoy and celebrate the many contributions of Hispanic Americans. Check out our sale, 50% off through October 15th.