Last week I shared the biggest fiction bestsellers of the last 100 years, today it’s the biggest nonfiction bestsellers
Bill Cosby was big in the 1980s. Awkward.

Vulture on the plagiarist poet debacle that erupted on Twitter
Look. When it comes to art, there is taking inspiration from someone else’s work and then there is taking
“inspiration” where you blatantly lift lines verbatim. Then, of course, there is taking the words of someone else and getting them tattooed on you, which I have done. Then there is taking the words of someone else and getting them tattooed on you and playing it off like you just got your own words permanently inked onto your body because you had previously stolen the exact lines and inserted them into your Pushcart-nominated poem. That is a little extra.

Bustle on why we all hate Mallory from the Babysitter’s Club
The answer seems to be that we hate Mallory because we all are Mallory. For some of us (*raises hand*), that feeling of identifying with Mallory is a feature, not a bug. I loved — and still love — reading books where the character’s personality and story arc match my own. (That said, I do appreciate the comparison to contemporary Mallory-like characters who are well loved, like Barb from Stranger Things).

According to Instagram, Seattle Public Library is the most beautiful library
If Seattle Public thinks it’s been photographed a lot now, just wait another six weeks when thousands of librarians descend on the city for ALA Midwinter. (Also, ALA Midwinter is only six weeks away. So, that’s not reason to panic or anything.)

From The Atlantic, doctors have no idea how a patient coughed up an intact blood clot shaped like a lung passage
File this under things Jill found super interesting, but also things you should probably not read at lunch if you are squeamish. As someone who has had a very substantive blood clot (that, thankfully, stayed in my leg and did not turn into a pulmonary embolism) this is just fascinating. Even that isn’t the right word but it’s all I got right now. FASCINATING. The human body is so weird sometimes.

Hot picks from last week that you may have missed are Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield (Ahhhhh! The author of The Thirteenth Tale is back!) and Avocaderia by Alessandro Biggi, Frencesco Brachetti and Alberto Gramigni (um, an entire cookbook of avocado recipes? YES PLEASE)