By: Erica Tucker, Product Support Manager

As Marketplace users likely know, OverDrive offers access to several different lending models (a set of purchasing and borrowing terms for digital content, determined by the publisher) in Marketplace. While Marketplace defaults to the One Copy/One User & Metered Access catalogue, which accounts for the most common and well-known lending models, there are also Cost Per Circ, Simultaneous Use, Self-Published, and Class Sets (schools only) catalogues available.

However, did you know that publishers sometimes offer titles under multiple lending models, and usually at different price points? By making multiple offerings available, publishers allow you to choose the model that works best for your needs. You might need to increase your copy count for a community book club or class assignment, or perhaps you are looking to more effectively manage holds for some bestselling titles.

Every library and school’s needs are different, and an array of lending model options helps to provide solutions. You can switch between the different catalogues using the Shop drop-down, and never hesitate to reach out to your Staff Librarian or Account Manager for assistance in determining what lending model might be the best for your unique needs.