We continue to improve the search and discovery experience for users with access to multiple library collections, all based on partner and user feedback. Recently, Libby released an update that will automatically show users with multiple library cards the quickest option to access the title they want to read. 

Here’s how it works:

If a book a user is interested in is available to borrow from their active library (i.e., the library collection they’re searching in), they’ll always see the option to Borrow from that library.  

If there is a wait list on the title at their active library:  

  • They’ll see the option to Borrow from one of their other saved libraries (if it’s available from one of them).  
  • They’ll see the option to place a hold from the library with the shortest wait list. This may be their active library or one of their other saved libraries.  
  • After borrowing or placing a hold, the user’s active library won’t change. 

Benefits for our library partners: 

  • Keeps users in their active library—Your users can see the best availability for the titles they want to read without leaving your library’s collection.  
  • Minimizes “extra” holds and reduces overall wait time—Presenting the shortest wait time up front will help prevent users from placing extra holds at multiple libraries.  
  • Increases user satisfaction—The faster users can access the book they want to read, the happier they’ll be. Satisfied users are more likely to keep returning to your library’s collection for their next book. 

Library partners are already letting us know how excited they are about this new feature! Says Kaitlin Booth, Collection Development Specialist eMedia and eResources at Cuyahoga County Public Library (OH):

This is my favorite update since OverDrive introduced Lucky Day. Patrons will be less likely to exit Libby without borrowing anything or placing a hold. Libraries benefit both by having their primary patrons stay in their collection after borrowing or placing hold with another library, and by the increased visibility of non-primary patrons seeing their available items. 

Reach out to your OverDrive Account Manager with any questions about these updates to multi-library search.