Top 5 tools to personalize your library’s presence in Libby
Leverage OverDrive Marketplace’s suite of tools to connect with more readers, increase visibility of individual titles in your collection, highlight your curatorial expertise, and bring more of your library’s personality into the Libby app!
1. Featured title campaign editor
With the Newsroom campaign editor, you can create and publish featured title campaigns in Libby! Highlight a specific title on Libby’s home screen to promote community reads, book club picks, trending topics, author spotlights, and more. You can customize your campaign’s text and theme, schedule start and end dates, and preview how it will appear in Libby before it goes live.
For more information about this new feature, see Marketplace Help or our how-to video.
Best practices:
- To create a campaign, search for any title in your collection from the Shop or Curate tab and click the Libby campaign link.
- Pick a title in the Simultaneous Use, ODMAX, or Cost Per Circ (CPC) lending model to ensure an unlimited number of users can borrow the title while the campaign is active.
- Use share links to promote the title with users on your library’s website or social media.
- Use a short, snappy campaign name and description.
2. Call-To-Action (CTA) campaigns
Prompt Libby users to take action to support your library with a CTA campaign. You can use CTA campaigns to promote library fundraisers, surveys, or registration for library programs and initiatives.
Best practices:
- Make your CTA campaign actionable, prompting users to do something right now.
- Personalize your campaign with custom copy and images.
- Take users outside the Libby app to a dedicated destination hosted by your library (i.e., to a survey, donation or sign-up page, etc.).
CTA campaigns are coming soon to the Newsroom campaign editor. In the meantime, contact your Account Manager to get started with a CTA campaign today!
3. Curated lists

Engage your community of readers by showcasing the titles, topics, and genres they’re most interested in. With curation, library staff can hand-pick titles for users to discover on your Libby home screen and in catalog guides.
Best practices:
- Spotlight topical or seasonal trends, like a list of books that will soon be movies or TV shows, read-alikes for popular titles, or holiday-themed titles.
- Make the most of your collection with curated lists that tie into author events or library initiatives, share staff picks, promote backlist titles, show available titles first, and more.
- See recommended lists created by OverDrive librarians for new ideas.
- Review list activity from the Patron interests dashboard in OverDrive Marketplace.
4. Customize the layout of your library’s home screen
With the Libby layout tool in Marketplace, you can rearrange the order of your curated lists, guides, campaigns, and Extras in Libby. This is helpful if you want to focus on highlighting certain content sections, like a campaign, further up the screen to increase user discovery.
To rearrange the content sections:
- Sign into OverDrive Marketplace.
- In the Admin drop-down, select Libby layout.
- Rearrange the content sections as desired. You can:
- Drag and drop content sections to reorder them.
- Click Add new section to add a campaign or list section.
- Click the trash can icon to remove a campaign or list section.
- Click Reset to default layout (at the bottom of the page) to go back to the original home screen layout.
- Click Save.
Learn more on Marketplace Help.
5. Shelf talkers
Use shelf talkers to add personal notes to titles in your collection. Shelf talkers help you connect with readers in Libby by recommending titles, providing fun facts or trivia about a title or author, sharing favorite quotes, and more. Shelf talkers are shown prominently on a title’s details page in Libby. Read about some of our favorite ways to connect with your community using Shelf Talkers here.
Best practices:
- Schedule shelf talkers to keep them fresh and timely.
- Attribute notes to specific library staff to showcase their expertise and unique voice.
- Create a curated list of titles with shelf talkers.
- Avoid repeating information already found in the title’s description.
About the author: Jill Grunenwald is a Marketing & Communications Specialist on the North America Public Library Marketing Team. A former librarian, she joined OverDrive in 2015. Outside of the office she can be found writing, hanging out with her cats, collecting more Tarot decks than she has room for, and playing competitive pinball. Her favorite genre is something she calls “Murder at an educational institution that involves a close-knit group of suspicious characters.”
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