Celebrate Freedom to Read Week with featured collections from OverDrive
Founded in 1984, Freedom to Read Week is an annual event in Canada that celebrates intellectual freedom and raises awareness about censorship. Between now and March 1, shop featured collections of Freedom to Read Week titles available in popular Cost Per Circ (CPC) and OverDrive Max (ODMax) access models. Give your readers on-demand access to frequently banned and challenged titles by taking advantage of this special offer happening now.
With CPC, you only pay when a reader borrows a title. Offering content in CPC makes it easy to facilitate book clubs, fill holds, experiment with content offerings and more. And now, managing CPC content comes with more flexibility and control thanks to new unlimited, mixed-format CPC budgets in Marketplace. Learn more about CPC budget updates here.
ODMax allows you to purchase bundles of checkouts for individual titles with no expiration date. When fully utilized, ODMax is usually the most cost-effective access model, providing the overall lowest cost per circ in the collection.
Each collection includes age-appropriate titles for all readers, making now the perfect time to celebrate the freedom to read by giving your community access to on-demand, always available titles!
Freedom to Read Featured Collections
Recently Added Cost Per Circ (CPC)

Discounted Cost Per Circ (CPC)

Available in OverDrive Max

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