Ebooks, audiobooks & more for public libraries
Always innovating to help libraries transform
Your library provides a critical service to the community, offering an invaluable reading and learning resource to users of all ages. Expand your reach and engagement even further with a digital collection. An OverDrive digital collection allows libraries to extend beyond their physical walls and offer anytime, anywhere access to ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more, including Libby Extras.

An unrivaled catalog
We have the ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more your library needs to reach new users and boost circulation.
"If you have a public library card (which you should because it's free and easy to sign up for!), OverDrive is invaluable."
- Business Insider
5 sites that helped me save a ton on the cost of Kindle ebooks
A shared mission
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for your users and staff to experience the benefits of your digital collection anytime, anywhere.
Any title your library purchases is also available via Kindle, provided a Kindle version of the book exists.
Apple CarPlay & Android Audio
Libby is compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, allowing you to listen to audiobooks through your car’s sound system.
Sonos Speakers
Libby is now integrated with your Sonos speakers, enabling you to enjoy all of your borrowed audiobooks without the need for headphones or Bluetooth.
Device Profiles
A wealth of information designed to give users a snapshot of how devices can be used with your digital collection.
OverDrive Read & Listen
Our browser-based OverDrive Read and Listen allow users to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks instantly with no software or downloads required.
Collection Development
OverDrive’s team of librarians is dedicated to helping you build and grow your digital collection to meet all your users’ needs.
We’ll help you get started and develop the know-how to help others, too, with on-demand training videos, downloadable PDFs, live webinars and tools to educate your staff and users.
Marketing & Outreach
We’re here to help you get the word out about your digital collection and provide everything from print-ready materials and digital resources to communication templates and ideas for programming and events.

Libby App
Meet Libby, an award-winning app built with 💕 for users to enjoy ebooks, audiobooks and magazines from your library. Warm, personal and easy to use, Libby was designed to get people reading as quickly as possible.
Instant Digital Card
The Instant Digital Card feature connects readers to your digital collection in just 30 seconds using their mobile phone number.

Public Library Connect
Public Library CONNECT provides access to more young readers by partnering your library with local schools through the Sora reading app.
OverDrive Help features detailed videos and troubleshooting guides to get your users started and support their reading habits.
Any title your library purchases is also available via Kindle, provided a Kindle version of the book exists.
Apple CarPlay & Android Audio
Libby is compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, allowing you to listen to audiobooks through your car’s sound system.
Sonos Speakers
Libby is now integrated with your Sonos speakers, enabling you to enjoy all of your borrowed audiobooks without the need for headphones or Bluetooth.
Device Profiles
A wealth of information designed to give users a snapshot of how devices can be used with your digital collection.
OverDrive Read & Listen
Our browser-based OverDrive Read and Listen allow users to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks instantly with no software or downloads required.
Collection Development
OverDrive’s team of librarians is dedicated to helping you build and grow your digital collection to meet all your users’ needs.
We’ll help you get started and develop the know-how to help others, too, with on-demand training videos, downloadable PDFs, live webinars and tools to educate your staff and users.
Marketing & Outreach
We’re here to help you get the word out about your digital collection and provide everything from print-ready materials and digital resources to communication templates and ideas for programming and events.

Libby App
Meet Libby, an award-winning app built with 💕 for users to enjoy ebooks, audiobooks and magazines from your library. Warm, personal and easy to use, Libby was designed to get people reading as quickly as possible.
Instant Digital Card
The Instant Digital Card feature connects readers to your digital collection in just 30 seconds using their mobile phone number.

Public Library Connect
Public Library CONNECT provides access to more young readers by partnering your library with local schools through the Sora reading app.
OverDrive Help features detailed videos and troubleshooting guides to get your users started and support their reading habits.

Marketing Support
Get the word out about your OverDrive collection with our free resources to print, distribute, or share digitally.
We’re working with publishers to provide the best content to promote your collections. Check out our latest collaboration!