We know that OverDrive is your go-to source for providing patrons with ebooks and audiobooks. But did you know that we also offer streaming video, too? Many libraries still see high-circulating numbers in their physical movie collections, but with streaming video, you can reach those patrons who like having their movies right on their tablet or phone. Even better, it’s all available on the same platform as their ebooks and audiobooks!

Not sure where to start? The OverDrive Resource Center has several pre-made lists to shop from. Along with movies broken out by decade, the movies based on books list is perfect for page-to-screen fans and you can even find out what Team OverDrive is watching these days.

For those who aren’t sure if streaming video is right for their library, Cost Per Circ (CPC) titles are a great way to see how your patrons respond. You’ll only pay when a user borrows a CPC movie, so you can offer them on your OverDrive-powered site without breaking the bank. Shop our Popular Video in CPC list to see what’s available.

Our streaming video selections include kids and teen content, popular Hollywood feature films, award-winning classic cinema, foreign titles, documentaries and more. So start popping that popcorn and settle in for a night at the movies — all from the comfort of your favorite device.