By: Christina Samek, Outreach Specialist

Great news, Google Classroom users! You can now share OverDrive titles and collections directly to Google Classroom. Anyone with access to OverDrive Marketplace can sign in and share titles right away, expanding the reach of your school’s OverDrive ebooks and audiobooks.

This update also includes a new Educator Marketplace user type, making it even easier for teachers and other school staff to have a more active role in your digital library. Educator users can sign in using their email address and get access to core educational tools like title assignments, curation, Sora activity and more.


Educator users are greeted by a landing page that guides them through the Marketplace features they’ll use most.

We’re excited to see the ways that Google Classroom integration and easier access to Marketplace for more educators helps engage more students with digital reading at your school.

Contact your Account Manager or email to learn more!