Books perfect for Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week
Some of my first and fondest literary memories come from the moments spent in my parents laps joined by the…
3 takeaways from #ALAMW17
Every time we return from a large conference like the American Library Association Midwinter meetings we come back feeling re-energized from…
OverDrive to present new flexible consortia options and the future of digital library lending at ALA
During the American Library Association (ALA) winter meetings in Atlanta, OverDrive will present statistics from a record setting year…
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with big savings on digital content from OverDrive
The Chinese New Year doesn’t officially happen until January 28, but we’re welcoming the Year of the Rooster for a…
How Digipalooza can help you meet your 2017 goals
By: Melissa Marin, OverDrive Marketing Specialist It’s a new year and it’s not too late to set some resolutions for…
Save the IDPF. Save EPUB.
This is an update on an important issue that has the potential to undermine the success of the eBook industry….
#Infographic: The most popular eBooks and Audiobooks borrowed on OverDrive in 2016
In 2016, OverDrive saw record circulation numbers across the board as millions of readers from around the world connected with…
Libraries surpass 196 million checkouts on OverDrive in 2016
2016 turned out to be another record setting year as nearly 200 million eBooks and audiobooks were borrowed from OverDrive-powered…
Voting is now open: Help us select the next Big Library Read
We’re cooking up something fresh as the next installment of the global eBook club will be a culinary delight. Voting…
OverDrive tools help library partners find success in 2016
In the coming days, we’ll be providing full statistics from another record breaking year in digital library lending. Readers continue…
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