In OverDrive Marketplace we’re currently running our Back to School Sale where libraries and schools can save up to 50% on more than 20,000 titles. Within the sale you’ll find curated collections for young readers, educators and fans of young adult and middle grade fiction. You’ll also find thousands of picture and early reader books perfect for students learning to read by themselves and with their parents. These types of stories are great ways to introduce education or tough topics to children in an appropriate manner as they learn to read. There are both popular fiction and nonfiction titles about nature, history, society, science and much more.


These books are excellent tools both in and out of the classroom. They provide parents with a way to bond with children during evening reading sessions and they offer teachers a way to get kids engaging with both books and technology at the same time. Libraries and schools can also look for a boost in circulation as these shorter books enable more checkouts to take place over a short period of time.

Numerous libraries and schools have taken advantage of our children’s content successfully including NC Kids Digital Library which exclusively features titles for young readers and has surpassed 225,000 circulations in 2018 already. Consider curating the content you purchase as a back to school list for parents and teachers alike. These collections make great additions to bedtime reading, classroom quiet time and assigned reading as well.

On the sale homepage you’ll the sale broken out into categories including grade level, genre, curriculum themes, and ages. You’ll also find two lists created specifically for your digital collection including on sale titles you don’t own and those that you do but currently have holds lists on them.