8 new Libby features to help you read more
If you’ve used Libby lately you may have noticed that the award-winning app got a bit of a makeover. We’ve…
Register for Digipalooza Academy
For nearly a decade, Team OverDrive has been welcoming librarians to Cleveland for Digipalooza every other summer. The event is…
10 books to get you through this long, cold winter
With apologies to House Stark, Winter is not coming. Here in the United States, it. Has. Arrived. Much of North…
How libraries can spend less and circ more (Part 3/3)
By: Karen Estrovich, Regional Manager, North America Public Library We hope you enjoyed the “How libraries can spend less and…
How libraries can spend less and circ more (Part 2/3)
By: Karen Estrovich, Regional Manager, North America Public Library When we introduced this series last week, we reviewed some of…
How libraries can spend less and circ more (Part 1/3)
By: Karen Estrovich, Regional Manager, North America Public Library With an abundance of reading and other mobile apps to distract…
65 libraries reach 1 million digital checkouts in 2018
2018 was a banner year in digital reading as 43,000+ OverDrive library and school partners around the world circulated over…
The most popular ebooks and audiobooks of 2018
Recently, we released a press release highlighting the books readers could not get enough of in 2018. Both the ebook and…
Join the Professional Book Nerds 2019 Reading Challenge
Recently, our Professional Book Nerds podcast created a 30 Day Reading challenge where they shared various types of books for…
The everlasting importance of Children’s Librarians
Recently, I had the opportunity to surprise my niece by being a “guest speaker” for her class of first graders….
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