April’s Library Webcasts
By: Courtney Sveda, Training Specialist It’s finally starting to feel like spring in Cleveland, OH. This weather always makes me…
Things to do in Cleveland during ACRL
Today, the 2019 Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) conference begins right here in Cleveland. We are so excited…
Spread the love for National Library Week
We’re in love and we don’t care who knows it! WE LOVE BOOKS!!! All books. Print books. Ebooks. Audiobooks. Read-alongs….
Monday 5×5 for April 8, 2019
Artsy on Salvador Dalí’s side project of illustrating books The Dali illustrated edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is my…
6 books to read before they hit theaters in April
Pet Sematary by Stephen King When Dr. Louis Creed decides to move his family to the quaint, idyllic town of…
Homes is where the heart is in the latest Big Library Read
Big Library Read is back and this time we bring you the powerful and inspiring story of one refugee family…
Monday 5×5: April Fool’s Day Edition
It’s April Fool’s Day, which means I’m going to do something a little bit different this week for the Monday…
OverDrive Founder Steve Potash honored by U.S. Supreme Court
On March 27 in Washington, D.C., OverDrive Founder and CEO Steve Potash, his wife and co-founder, Loree, and OverDrive’s Executive…
Monday 5×5 for March 25, 2019
The New Yorker asks, when it comes to YA literature what’s the line between criticism and cancel culture? Ironically, in…
AI technology engages more readers with your library
At OverDrive, we’re always working to support your mission to serve readers in new and innovative ways. Over the last…
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